For a Great Cooking Experience

Hand selected hardwood charcoal. Fast lighting, British restaurant grade charcoal.

Get Your Charcoal Today

BBQ Cookery School

BBQ Cookery School

Beacon Charcoal Cookery Schools have been created to help you to better... 

The ‘side hustle’ that got serious…

Beacon Charcoal started life as a lockdown project. Martin and Chris are enthusiastic outdoor chefs, and, anticipating a long period spent at home in the garden, both bought themselves a Kamoda Joe. As their enthusiasm grew, and the ‘day jobs’ remained quiet, they soon learned that if you’re going to do this thing right, then it really is all about the charcoal.

Lumpwood charcoal is the game-changer - it burns more consistently and for longer, contains no
additives and its higher quality hugely upgrades your cooking experience and delivers better flavour to
your food. With time on their hands, and passion now burning like the charcoal itself, the next step was
to turn the ‘hobby’ into a ‘hustle’ and then very quickly, it became a serious business.


  • Nick Wainwright

    'Having traditionally used "garage" charcoal, I decided to try something more "up market" as I was planning to use it to cook some fillet steaks. Wow - what a difference in taste! The bigger pieces in the Beacon Charcoal, provided a much steadier temperature to cook with and the genuine clean charcoal provided much better flavour than my normal cheap stuff. I believe the wood used in the Beacon Charcoal products is all locally sourced and sustainable, so win win. When I am cooking expensive meat i will always use a high grade charcoal like Beacon.'

  • Steve Gibbons

    'As a Southern African living in the UK, cooking with fire is “normal” and most definitely essential … all year round, even if it is snowing!To make a fire or “braai” (Afrikaans for grill or BBQ) to cook, it is critical to have good quality charcoal. Imagine my joy to discover the best product ever is right here on my doorstep here in Charnwood, Leicestershire!I have to say Beacon charcoal is probably the best charcoal I have ever used, for me, it ticks all the boxes.'

  • Keith Stewart

    'I ordered this charcoal as it was described as restaurant grade, so I was curious to try it to hopefully make the most of the effort and cost that goes into some of the recipes I cook on the BBQ. I was not disappointed - when you open the bag you can see straight away there are lovely chunks of lumpwood, different to anything I've bought before. It lit easily and provided fantastic heat and great predictability for cooking on - very highly recommended, fantastic product.'